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Coin Op License to do Anything!

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Coin Operated38 of 1239Baseball MachineCharles Lindbergh "Lindy Bank"
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3 items)

    I recently acquired this beautiful arcade style coin op piece. You would insert your two cents and out pops a license to do anything. There are two sides to choose from, one is for boys and the other for girls. The top piece is almost a shadow box type which lights up beautifully. I did nothing to this machine besides clean the cabinet and glass, pull the mechanism out and clean and lubricate that as well. It was actually made by the International Mutoscope Corp out of Long Island. Does anyone else have one of these? Any information I missed? I hope you enjoyed seeing it.

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    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 3 years ago
      Nice machine ,by any chance do you have any,, license cards ,,even one
    2. crosby_tom817 crosby_tom817, 3 years ago
      Yes sir, I was fortunate enough to get a stack of them for this machine.
    3. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 3 years ago
      Must be a lot of people around here with them judging by how they drive! :)
    4. crosby_tom817 crosby_tom817, 3 years ago
      Haha, most definitely!

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