Posted 3 years ago
(3 items)
So I came across this porcelain item. Not exactly sure what it is. Definitely Asian descent. If anyone could give me some insight into knowledge on this porcelain piece, I was greatly appreciate it. As you can see in the picture on the bottom there's a red marking but but I don't know who's marking it is. The lettering on the side all i could figure out was the last 4 marks on the side and it means jade is good. Please help me if you can I would love to find of where it originated from. Thanks in advance.
Maybe Chinese, a trinket or jewelry dish missing its lid? What are the dimensions?
Think Taisho reign of China, late 19th, durnig a period og great conflict, when the export porcelain factories where mostly destroyed, leaving just a few for their own population's needs with mediocre quality.
Oval box missing lid. Mark is Taisho production in a red ink stamp usually poorly applied.
Oops! Confused similar reign names in Japan and China. This is the Tongzhi Qing Dynasty, see article about the ceramics during this period.
well lets make it an team effort, precisely i don,t know, it looks like an strange abrreviated guanghu mark, there are 3 --three prongs in the mark
is it fin de siecle - or fin de siecle +guanhu or an bit op republic period
in mini opening the mocca rim is missing or/and the qianjiangcai rimis missing
it looks a very late guangxu or guanghu run out it is certainly not tongzhi, because this glazing is more diluted and less dense
object maybe is is the lower part of an gourd form cricket box
and probably they stole an long sleeve kangxi design, see the lady
so the best case scenario is 1908 but probably evenearly republic is still possible because the steal marks
Porcelain Cricket Case - China - Ca. 1920
NO. 755337 catawiki
see simular dilution in the stroking
what is going on here Truthordare why is this Thongzhi ?
You are looking for a discussion with me, this is your usual approach to nudge me to reply to you when you find all kinds of reasons to disagree with what I wrote, this does not compel me to answer you, as the last few years should have shown you.
I am not insecure and do not need to explain my statements to anybody. We all have opinions and that is our right and privilege here on CW.
I buried the hatchet a long time ago, and sure i am belligerent , and not an nice guy, but in my opinion my assessment is completely solid
and you are right i hurt you in the past, do i have to feel sorry i have to think about this,
it is an completely solid comparison with the catawiki piece, actually it SPOT ON !
you don,t have to explain to me but to Southemsa, when i am wrong i just admit that i am wrong, otherwise i lose credibility
and evasive behavior is not in my nature
Thank You all for Replying I definitely learned something new I greatly appreciate it