Posted 3 years ago
(906 items)
These creamers were sold with an accompanying sugar bowl as you see in image two. The décor is vertical lines and I'm told by Craig that this is the first creamer to be found in this décor. This is a much paler green than the green often used for Vertical Line décors. So it was lucky that I took a third look. It was listed as 'In a water melon style pattern'
Height 9.5 cm./3.75 inches
I love your collection of these! They are so sweet. The newest one is lovely. :)
I agree Michelle. Also their size speaks volumes about British social and economic history of their period.
Love these little Welz creamers, they are utterly charming!
I feel most fortunate to have one (with the sugar bowl) which I bought in London in 2003.
"Watermelon style" is an apt description! You've got to love the creative descriptions that sometimes hide a "sleeper" in plain sight...
Just so Marin. My best finds in that area were green Loetz. Often extolled as Granny's favourite vase, in/on her cabinet/ bedside table/ sideboard, and finally topped off with remembering it from childhood!
what a great collection of diverse decors and colors.... compliments
Thank you Sylvia. These come in many more décors but I these are uncommon ones.