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Murky Mechanical Monster Matchbox Monday Y-4 1928 Sentinel Steam Waggon 1956-1960

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    This model is at least 63 years old. The vehicle the model was based on was about 30 years old when the model was made so a current Matchbox Yesteryear could be 1990s car.
    The Steamwaggon was of course a steam powered truck (or lorry). The smoke pipe comes up through the cab. Looks like the rest of the works are on the underside. The wheels on the model but the actual ones were rubber for which the roads were thankful.
    As this is an early Yesteryear it is much smaller than the later ones. Scale is 1/100. It is about the same size as a late 1960s Matchbox truck.
    I picked up something today that is perfect for June 6. Stop by tommorrow to see what it is.

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    1. Oroyoroycanyousing, 3 years ago
      were going back to them i hear.....1928 Sentinel Steam Waggons that is.. just wont be any trees standing
    2. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much O Roy.

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