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Mighty Minty Mini Matchbox Monday MB 21 Bedford Duple Luxury Coach 1956-57

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    A very early Matchbox model and it is tiny. The original Matchbox toys were made to fit into an actual Matchbox and this one looks pretty close to that size. It was introduced in 1956 and sold for only 2 years. It was replaced with a larger version after that.
    There is a decal on each side which reads LONDON TO GLASCOW. The decals are not mint but the green paint is. It isn't looking bad for 65 plus.
    To show the size different between this and the later models I included a Greyhound Bus.
    I do have a couple more models to share before I have to get some more. I am sure it will be quite ecxiting.

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    1. elanski elanski, 3 years ago
      Like the coach. I think the full size one would have likely had a two tone paint scheme so it would have been nice to see that reproduced for the match box. I am a sucker for two tone paintwork.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much elanski. 2-tone is the best. Matchbox only did that for a few years sadly.

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