Posted 3 years ago
(1 item)
Just got this Haid & Neu treadle at auction. Dark green, amazing wood work, booked veneer. Serial number suggests made about 1910. Double needle, zig-zag & maybe cams. Original book, but I can’t read German. Anyone have an idea about model ? Translated manuals ?
Hi, DaveBD :-)
Cool. Although it looks like the installation in that cabinet is a retrofit.
I didn't see a model that looks like your particular machine at this excellent website"
As to the manual: if you scan it and email me a copy (see my profile for the address), I'll take a wack at it.
I had a fair degree of success last year in cutting up, translating and then reconsituting (combining the translated text with the pictures) a Dutch operator manual for a Siedel & Naumann Klasse 9 sewing machine.
The machine came to the US with a relatively wealthy family fleeing the Nazis. If the cabinet is retrofit, it is very professionally done. I need to go over the cabinet closely looking for logos, etc. I will check the website you suggest. Thanks for the translation offer. We will work something out.
Hi again, DaveBD. :-)
I don't know what you were using for dating the serial number, but 1910 is what the author of fiddlebase had for that range (1,280,000):
The problem for me is that your machine looks much newer than 1910.
Here is a list of Haid & Neu model names (no pictures):
Haid Und Neu models included Aida, Badenia, Bharat Carlton, Condor, Excella, Fidelia, Gazelle, Gloria, Gloriosa, Humboldt, Mata, Medium, Mercedes, Minerva, New Triumph, Olga, Primatic, Productor, Querida, Saphir, Saxonia, Sly Fellow, Tina, Torpedo, Vega, Velleda, Volksnahmaschine.
Here's another list of H&N names from the victoriansweatshop folks:
Haid & Neu often used different names on the same machine, depending on what market it was intended for: Aida, Badenia, Bharat Mata, Original Badenia, Carlton, The Coonet, Condor, Cehaspol, Excella, Christo, Durance, Durex, Exzena, Emu, Eterna, Estrella, Fidelia, Flower, Hanu, Gazelle, Gloria, Gimpex, Guelar, Gloriosa, Humboldt, Maharani, Marjex, Miabella, Mata, Medium, Mercedes, Minerva, Neuhaid, Novata, New Triumph, Olga, Perlios, Pickuett, Plejade, Primatic, Productor, Rex, Romstar, Querida, Segura, Senior, Solidarität, Superso, Svelta, Saphir, Saxonia, Sly Fellow, Tina, Torpedo, Triumph, Tyba, Velma, Vega, Velleda, Vici, Zion.
I think we might be able to eliminate Excella, because somebody posted one here of those, and it looks like an old transverse shuttle machine (serial No. 2986505)
Here is another H&N, this one a vibrating shuttle (no SN given):
Your machine looks to me like a rotary.
Here is a Harris-badged Haid & Neu that apparently is a 1950s vintage Primatic, so I think we can eliminate the Primatic, although that one is at least a rotary and looks closer age-wise (I do realize that your machine has to be older than the 1950s, but it looks to me a lot younger than the 1910s).
I think we can eliminate the Dragonfly as well:
Do any of those names appear on the manual?
I should mention that there is a forum on Facebook for vintage sewing machine enthusiasts and they have a librarian who maintains a collection of over one thousand soft copy manuals:
However, it's a 'black box' to anybody who isn't a member, so you would either have to join or ask the folks at stillstitching dot com to put you in touch:
However, my offer to translate and reconstitute your German manual still stands. Don't worry, it's free. I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. };-)
This is not an original Haid&Neu (Karlsruhe Germany)
in fact it is a Baer&Rempel aka Phoenix 29
ZigZag sewing machine. I'd date it about 1938 or later.
the reason for the dating: the ZigZag lever can be adjusted both sides.
The first Type 29 can only adjust one side. (i got a few of them in my collection)
so here is a picture of an early Claas 29 machine
Nopi, Thank you so much for chiming in with your expertise on this one. :-)
So, a Baer & Rempel Phoenix 29.
Here are more Baer & Rempel Phoenix sewing machines. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have the 29 there, but they do have the 229, 329, and 429. The Phoenix Universa 329 looks quite similar to my eye (although not identical):
So, the fact that the machine in this post is labeled "Haid & Neu" is a bit puzzling. Did Haid & Neu have some kind of contractual relationship with Baer & Rempel?
Whoops, needlebar has some serial number information for Baer & Rempel machines, and they peg "about 1280000" as 1930-1934:
Nevertheless, thank you again for chiming in, because I got sidetracked early on by the Haid & Neu label. :-)
It turns out that somebody else posted a Baer & Rempel Universa 29 here about four years ago: