Posted 3 years ago
(3484 items)
Another Rose Bowl find. This is from a military vehicle set made by Tootsietoy. I am not quite sure when it was made but sometime after WWII as it is a WWII tank.
This is modeled after the M3 Lee tank. It is not quite exact as it has an extra gun sticking out of the glacis plate which is the driver's position. It does look cool though. Not many toys are modeled after the M3 Lee. It was an early WWII American tank. No where near as common as the M4 Sherman or the Patton tank series. It was an odd design as it had its main gun in a sponson on the right side of the hull but it did dominate for about 2 months. Plus it was super dependable. It would start in the morning and you could drive it all day. Most tanks back then would break down if you looked at them the wrong way.
First two photos taken without the flash and last two with flash. As usual the color comes out different with the flash.