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Riedel Pale Blue Air Trap Vase with Enameling, c. 1890

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (256 items)

    This pretty pale blue air trap (also sometimes called mother of pearl) handled vase has wonderful delicate enameling; it could be mistaken for Harrach, but the numbering on the base is actually in a style used by Riedel. Air trap pieces by Riedel are not very commonly seen, but I believe this dates to about 1880-1890. It measures just over 6-1/4" (17.8cm) tall.

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 3 years ago
      Apart from all else, so so beautiful, Michelle.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Just from the thumbnail I knew this was yours, Michelle - your impeccable taste is unmistakable!
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      Thanks so much Peggy! I am so glad you think so! :)
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      Marin, you are too kind; thank you. You know, the single photograph of the seller's was very fuzzy, but the shapes of the enameled flowers stood out to me as being quite unusual. I was very happy when I was able to see it in person, and it was much more beautiful than I had expected! :)
    5. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Isn't it nice when that happens? I love that "wow factor" feeling when something is even better in real life than the photos!
    6. inky inky, 3 years ago
      There is something quite magical about this vase..
    7. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      Thank you, Penny! :)

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