Posted 2 years ago
(3479 items)
Just a note to start off Schleich is the company and Postosuchus is the figure. Now to get through the boring stuff fast the Postosuchus was an archosaur which is a line that became crocodiles and alligators. Technically not a dinosaur but not all that far off. The real deal was 16-23 feet long. They are still debating if it was bipedal or walked on all four but they are leaning to bipedal now. I will throw in probably warm blooded as cold blooded creature could not keep an upright stance like that. Anyway imagine a 20 foot crocodile running around dry land. It lived in the Triassic period which was the first of the dinosaur era.
The toy is a bit over 7" long and is one of the best detailed I have seen. The mouth opens and closes with detailed teeth and tongue. I picked this one because it is something different than what one usually sees. I had not heard of it before.
Got another one for nest week so stay tuned.
Cool looking beast. You can see the crocodile in him
While I've been home, We've watched all 6 of the Jurassic Park movies..just did World Dominion the other evening. I do not believe there will be another.
Thank you very much elanski. Yes you can.
Thank you very much Cisum. I was huge on Jurassic Park. Loved seeing the dinos brought to life. I'll take another.