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Small Jewelry? Box

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Jewelry Boxes5 of 367Trying to Identify Manufacturer Of These Red Leather Jewelry Cases with Gold Trim, Made in Italy Gold Tone Bracelet & Necklace and Ornate Blue & Gold Jewellery Casket
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (61 items)

    I picked up this little box thrifting Central Texas today. the seller thought it was bone but I don't know..The joints look machine cut, the fit is pretty tight. Give it a like and any info you can, Thanks

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      I feel it's a tea caddy? Interesting motif...maybe Persian scene?
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Any marking on the bottom?
    3. Malatero2 Malatero2, 2 years ago
      It has a label taped on the bottom, probably a shop price. I thought, maybe a tobacco or tea box. There are numbers on the bottom of the drawer and lid, 3 and 4. The label says
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Still very thing that bothers me...tea was valuable and I would expect to see a lock on the box. I think you should keep pursuing this till you find an answer. Maybe find an expert in tea boxes. Maybe a local museum or historical society..I have found them helpful in the past.

      Here's an example of a lock tea box..
    5. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      A quick search and I found this guy online..maybe send an email and ask for his opinion..
    6. mp.kunst mp.kunst, 2 years ago
      Could the front be the Si o Seh Pol bridge in Isfahan, Iran. Also known as Allahverdi Khan Bridge, or 33 arches bridge, it is a symbol of the Persian Safavid Architecture.
    7. Malatero2 Malatero2, 2 years ago
      it could be. An expert thought it to be contemporary, the vendor was a veteran who bought in while deployed
    8. mp.kunst mp.kunst, 2 years ago
      By the way, I think the image on the lid is of a Polo match. Quite a popular sport in that region.
    9. keramikos, 2 years ago
      mp.kunst, Yes, polo. :-)

      I was looking at this yesterday after you proposed the Si o Seh Pol bridge for the image on the container side (it's a good fit), and then noticed the image on the container top (this also fits).

      Polo has its origins in Persia:

      So a Persian container. Is it for tea or something other? dav2no1 makes a good point about the lack of a lock.
    10. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      I also suggested the Persian influence..
    11. keramikos, 2 years ago
      dav2no1, Yep, I ain't readin' carefully enough. :-(

      In reading back, it sounds like it's a relatively modern item, so I don't think a lock would be applicable.

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