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Small Art Deco cased pink streaked glass vase with metal collar

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Bohemian Art Glass69 of 6681A rare Harrach 'Early Japonisme' Vase.Non-Loetz Tango- Large Coil tango
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (949 items)

    I went out today to (ostensibly) pick up some groceries. On the way I decided to pop into an antiques shop that I hadn't been in for maybe a month or so, & was rewarded by the sight of this cute specimen.
    To me, it ticked all the boxes - it's pretty, it's pink, it's small, & it was also cheap!
    Made from two layers of cased glass - clear over streaky pink & white, it measures 9 cm tall, 4.5 cm across the top rim which has a metal collar (unmarked), & 4 cm across the base.
    The metal collar really adds a touch of class to this little beauty. I think it is most likely from the Art Deco era, & possibly of Bohemian origin. The last photo shows it with a small perfume bottle which displays a similar streaky pink decor. If I knew who made that one, then it might just identify the new vase...

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 2 years ago
      Nice find Marin. They certainly look to be related. The only facetted stoppers I have are on perfumes belonging with a Harrach vanity set. Obviously not conclusive but I do think the extra work to create the facetted suggests an expensive item. Perhaps a place to start.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      Many thanks, Peggy!
      The perfume bottle was purchased many years ago, in my early collecting days...I just loved the elegant colour combination, & yes, that faceted stopper is quite an upmarket touch.
      Will continue researching the vase. I had one other item in a similar decor, which I think was a small perfume bottle missing an atomizer.

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