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Edo period bowl

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Asian Bowls9 of 482Vintage Asian Koi Fishbowl Chinese bowl’s?
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (88 items)

    I am interested in knowing anything about this bowl. Anything. Especially whether or not it is a legitimate piece.

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    1. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      x insert ???? dezain koki , --zanko---jya no me kodai-- insert one milkshake 2 straws
    2. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      i don't know what your premise is, but it's not true, that every ko sometsuke type of tonality is an edo period piece, i don't recognize the design, there are a lot of florals, the only design it could be is late koki period IMO somerthing like 1850,

      but personally I think we should judge it by afterglaring and tonality at best , it is a jya no me kodai , of course this piece got no connection more with the original soba choko, the shaping to me donburi ramen bowl wise or unknown may a strange noodle bowl, it is probably only decorative use , i doubt it is even late mejji .so i still have doubts about the legitimation, the corrosion does,not mean anything IMO ,it is very easy the create but don,t forget i am anything but an expert on this, i hope i assessed wrong, and an more skilled person, save some value for you
    3. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 2 years ago
      Thank you. Well I don’t know anything about anything cell this was told to me by folks who collect Japanese pottery. But some of them have thoughts to
    4. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      its semantics what do you mean what is legitimate piece , every piece piece is legitimate piece , i think it is someting like 1920 , my meaning is no importance i am not top notch assessor in japanese stuff what matters is, if you like it no sweat
    5. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      what,sthe meaning some of them have toughts too
    6. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 2 years ago
      I'm sorry...I have been using talk to text so perhaps not clear. I belong to a Japanese collectors FB page and have received a few opinions on it from fake to early Edo. I am not very knowledgeable in anything to be honest, just an honest lover of anything old, anything wonderful and sure, anything worth more than the average types of things. I found this bowl for sale on ebay and it is very similar. I found it by searching on Edo. In terms of a legitimate piece, there is importance in my liking a piece but I'd bet doughnuts to dollars, all of us prefer real things and not fake....and when it comes to Asian antiques, there are so many fakes. This bowl could go either way but I am hoping for a more definitive answer from someone with some experience. It will end up in my daughters growing collection of Asian antiques. Her husband is Japanese so I most definitely have an eye out for wonderful things from Japan. Thanks apostata for your comments, I hope you are well.
    7. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 2 years ago

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