Posted 2 years ago
(1207 items)
This moriage lamp is 19" to the top of the pottery section (not counting the bulb socket hardware) x 9" widest diameter. The base is carved wood. The socket hardware appears to be brass and has a lot of surface corrosion, but it works! I probably will not go to bed tonight with this lamp plugged in, though. The cord has been replaced by cutting it under the bottom of the lamp and splicing a new cord into the old cord which is covered in yellow fabric, maybe canvas.
The pottery base is extremely dirty and I will probably need to disassemble the lamp and soak it to get it cleaned. I might also try some Windex but not sure if that is a good way to go. The grime appears to be pretty stubborn. I think this was originally a vase but was made into a lamp. The throat of the vase is blocked with a circular piece of copper or bronze over a wooden plug. There is a number roughly scratched on the bottom of the wooden base, W170770, but I do not know what that means. My images of the side with the figures on it is not too good, so I will try to do better when I get a chance to do so.
The lamp hardware and finial appear to be original except for the shade which has been replaced with a new one. Whoever picked out the shade had a great sense of what is appropriate for this lamp.
I immediately knew I was going buy this lamp even though it had a $40 price tag on it. I did get a veteran's discount on that amount. There is a nice thrift shop story with this lamp and the donabe I bought today, but this keyboard sucks and Charlie is once again directing this post from my lap, increasing my posting woes.
Any thoughts on the best way to clean this lamp? It appears to be in mint condition with the only wear being to the top edge of the pottery from the chain burnishing the edge.
Maker unknown. Any information about this lamp welcomed!
See mostly cleaned up vase/lamp here:
Thanks blunderbuss2 and BHIFOS!
Absolutely beautiful lamp with a gorgeous pattern, nice find Kevin
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! There is a lot to look at!
Thanks for the lamp luvs Jenni, dav2no1, fortapache, blunderbuss2 and BHIFOS!
excellent photos, well done now we can shut out trough and through damage
double handle moriage double handle , canharelle rim, beehive crackle must be something late meijji
how to clean it , we got dilluted ammonia lovers and not ammonia lovers, i prefer the latter , windex will do
most people just brush with children toot brushes on heavy dirt or through and throughs, you always coton swab INSIDE the moriage, with valuable stuff, and you could cotton swab outside the moriage in case of shallow dirt
next question how meticulous do you want to be and the involded colours gold versus yellow , gold is attrition prone , but this is likely yellow, so no swaet
before cleaning shallow bath it in tepid water
you hav to long drench this , otherwise it takes a long time time swabbing
Thanks for the comments, information and cleaning advice! Next time I am at my other house, I will take a shot at cleaning it. I hope it is not too difficult to take apart, but we shall see.
I would like it to be presentable but it does not have to be perfect. I guess I will see how difficult it is to clean up and let that be my guide.
I imagine that keeping it clean would be an ongoing battle, so I may not be too ambitious. I will give it a long soak in the bathtub with dish washing soap to get it softened up. I have had good luck with dish washing soap on a lot of things. No idea what the composition of the grime is but guessing Windex will play a role at some point. I think there are several types of grime on it.
I will test anything that looks like gold first, but I am sure that you are correct and it is not gold. Probably an export piece made to ship to the U.S.? Fun piece, though.
Thanks for taking a look at my moriage lamp Cisum and Vynil33rpm!
Thanks, Kevin!
It's gorgeous Kevin, and I thought Meiji early Taisho when I saw it - and Apostata is always good for dating.
Do you need it as a lamp? I think the vase itself would be just as impressive.
Great find!
Thanks for your comments, Karen. Yeah, apostata is the man! Pretty sure I am going to use it as a lamp. I will decide once I have it apart and cleaned. If I can save the old hardware, I will probably keep it as a lamp. I have a bit of a lamp fetish. It was quite a surprise to find it in a local thrift shop...
Thank you Leelani!
Thanks Bitsnbobs123!
Thanks Steptoe1!
Thanks mcheconi!
Thanks jsott0363!