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Vintage Kitchen Item of the Week An Egg Poacher

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3481 items)

    This week's exciting antiquish item is an egg poacher! As I have never poached an egg I would never know although I have eaten one in the long ago. My preferred egg is scrambled well done and with ketchup. I also eat hard boiled eggs in a salad. I will just admit I don't have much to say about this but I like how it looks and it is an unusual item.
    It has a feature for opening and lowering the eggs. See figure 3. Not sure what the purpose of that is but it is there. Also it has a green handle for my green handle kitchen thing collection.

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    1. keramikos, 2 years ago
      fortapache. Cool. :-)

      If you like your eggs scrambled well done, then it doesn't sound like you'd be much of a poached egg fan (poached eggs have runny yolks).

      I imagine that spring-loaded feature is to allow easy removal of the nicely rounded eggs when the poaching is done.

      Per the Pioneer Woman, you don't even need a fancy contraption to poach eggs:

      Um, yeah, I think I personally would need a fancy contraption, otherwise I'd end up with egg drop soup without the broth. >8-0

      That float test for egg freshness was interesting, though.
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 2 years ago
      hard to beat a perfectly poached egg sitting atop crouton toast with melted brie...
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      I had a nice new poacher a couple of years ago, and now put away. Oh well !~
    4. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 2 years ago
      Couldn't help but take a peek at this and was so surprised to see it was a poacher! I think it's very cool! I've got one for a single egg, who knows why I keep it, like you, my eggs are scrambled or hard boiled! In fact, when I was due with my son, 2nd child, I had to leave the house if there were eggs being cooked. It took me years to eat them again and ironically, I had an egg salad sandwich just today!!! I'll post mine just for kicks!
    5. fortapache fortapache, 2 years ago
      Thank you very much keramikos. Yes I probably would not like them.

      Thank you very much TallCakes.

      Thank you very much Phil.

      And thank you very much shareurpassion.
    6. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      nice kitchen ware interesting post

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