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Two Painted Wooden Chests made by my Great-Grandfather

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1224 items)

    These two wooden chests were decorated by my great-grandfather. They were part of a whole bunch of items he made for his daughters. To the set also belonged a footstool, a bench, a large jewellery box and possibly more items. He also painted some pictures but I am not in possession of these items, but I do remember them being stored in our attic and hanging on the wall of my great-aunts living room.

    I never met my great-grandfather but I was told that he was a decorator and restorer.

    The chest with the key is slightly larger than the one without the key. The hardware of both chests is original. Although they show some wear, I have decided to keep them in their original condition. To prevent further damage to the top, I have placed specially made safety class on both of the trunks.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 2 years ago
      Many thanks, yougottahavestuff and dav2no1:)
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      With a handy guy your Great grandfather was
      great stuff to have
    3. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      Oops supposed to read WHAT a handy guy
      (not with)
    4. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      Treasured items and treasured memories!
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      so nice, so touching the love of a father for their daughters.... I have some tears on my eyes...
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 2 years ago
      wonderful chest to remember you grandfather!
    7. freiheit freiheit, 2 years ago
      Vynil33rpm, thanks so much for your kind comment:)
    8. freiheit freiheit, 2 years ago
      Watchsearcher, that's so right. The memories are forever, with or without the items. It is nice, however, that I finally got the chests in my possession. My mother kept these two chests for almost forty years for me in the attic. I moved back to Germany a few months ago and gave them a prominent place in my apartment:)
    9. freiheit freiheit, 2 years ago
      kivatinitz, yes, it was very sweet to make things for his daughters. I think that because of the Great Depression in Germany, my grandfather had very little means to do something good for his daughters, so he did what he he did best: he decorated.
      I never knew much about him but he must have made these items shortly before his death.

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