Posted 2 years ago
(5053 items)
I have a few large pipe wrenches with wooden grips, but this is by far the tiniest i've seen - at just over 6 inches long. There are makers marks on one side of it - including the date of 1896, but i can't make out anything else stamped there.
So what is the Kitty Ruler used for normally? Did it have a particular purpose?
In the picture it's blocking the name..P.S. & W company..
History here..
Date should read 1896..and that what it looks like in the picture
thanks dav! great info. here's how it was described: '...a Pexto "Solid Bar" adjustable wrench, marked "P.S.W. & Co." and "Made in U.S.A." with the patent date "Pat. Jan 14, 1896". The overall length is 6.5 inches.
The corresponding patent was found to be #553,059, issued to R.C. Ellrich with assignment to the Peck, Stow, & Wilcox Company.
The patent describes a novel construction technique whereby the fixed jaw can be made integral with the shaft and handle, instead of being added after assembling the sliding jaw. The trick to the assembly is that the sliding jaw has slits in the back, allowing it to be spread open for installation over the shaft.'
Wow -- this looks just like one I got and showed a few weeks ago -- I'm gonna havta look closer thru the rust on mine to see if I can find that maker's stamp?! :-)
It does look like your wrench AO.
OK y'all, finally with a little careful wire-brushing I can now confirm that my wrench is brethren to ho2cultcha's, at least. I've just added a new pic to my original showing that confirms it is stamped "P.S.&W.Co SOLID BAR PAT.JAN 14, 1896 MADE IN U.S.A."
good hunting AO!