Posted 2 years ago
(1207 items)
This small rocker (modeled by Charlie) was apparently locally made as it has a colorful label under the seat cushion. It is small enough that I was able to load it into the front passenger seat of my Ford Focus (with the seat reclined all the way and pushed back as far as it would go). I was able to get it far enough back in the seat that I could lean forward and see my side view mirror and also look for oncoming traffic. Useful since I was 40 miles from home.
The reason I bought is was: a) I love rockers, b) it is super comfortable c) it was only $18 and d) it fit into my car. It is small, but made for an adult and fits me very well (5' 9", 160 lbs).
It is an odd little chair. The last image shows the six crisscrossing straps that support some hefty springs holding the straw forming the base for the cushion. On this base is a very colorful label for a local business that apparently made this chair.
At first I though that this chair may have started life as a small easy chair and was then converted into a rocker but, after scrutinizing the label, I realized that this is a custom made from scratch chair. Guessing that the label will be a good indication of age, but I have drawn a complete blank on finding any information about this furniture maker. When I get a chance, I will go to the library and search the old city directories to see if I can find out more about it. Sadly, the old building may now be a parking lot, but I will also have to check on that. There were several large business headquartered in this town between the late 1800s and late 1900s and there was once a prosperous, vibrant downtown which fell on hard times, but has somewhat come back as an arts and crafts, entertainment district.
I put a microfiber throw down the center of it and basically lost access to it as a cat is always snoozing in it now.
It sure looks comfy, they'd have got my $18 if I'd been there before you found it -- and it would have been *much less effort* to just stick it in the back of my F-150 with a bungee cord around it...?
<LOL> :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
LOL, glad I got there first, AnythingObscure. It took some serious angling to get it into my car. I smacked my head on one of the rockers a couple of times when I forgot it was there and turned to look at the passenger side mirror.
Thanks for loving my newest rocker (I have ten, so far!) PhilDMorris, Vynil33rpm, AnythingObscure, Kevin, dav2no1 and yougottahavestuff!
"It took some serious angling to get it into my car."
And yuppers, there, and even better that I live in AR where gas remains unbelievably somehow less/gal than most of the rest of the USA, so my usual 16-20mpg (according to my dashboard monitor of all that) is actually not unreasonable esp because in my normal life I *DO* every so often need to stuff the back of the thing full of 10+X of whatever you could get into your Focus. (of course also needing space for either you or me to actually *drive* each or other vehicle, with a passenger or not?)
Daily groceries are not usually an issue for me or you,I'd imagine...?
<LOLOLOL> :-) :-) :-)
Being a vegetarian, my grocery bill is really low. I spend more on cat food than I do on people food. Have thought about picking up a truck or van as a second vehicle...
Thanks for loving my chair oldpeep, Cokeman1959, Cisum, Jenni, fortapache and officialfuel!
Oh YES, the cats (3) and dogs (another 3) around here most DEFINITELY eat better than I and my partner do. Such is the weird way of people that wanna share their homes with critters, without exterminators. Not a bad way to be, maybe...?
Also for whatever not useful I might to add, to your thoughts of how pickup trucks/vans (a dangerous utility/tool to own, because as soon as you get it everybody else you know will want to 'borrow' you and or it, to move *their* stuff that won't fit into a Focus, or a Kia, or a whatever... <headdesk>
[and then we can't edit our comments here, for what should have been my last line to comment above, if it isn't already read between the lines]
Go for the BLUE OVAL if you can find one you like that'll do your job for you. My personal experience has proved to me...Henry got it right when he invented the 'assembly line' for the model A's and T's, etc., the tradition DOES continue to this day. :-)
Lovely little chair, and for only $18…what a deal. And Charlie approves, so there!
Wonderful rocker with tons of character! So glad that it's comfortable for both you and Charlie. I have a feeling (looking at the feet) that this was indeed an easy-chair "conversion" but it's all the more charming for that. What a great find :)
"Food" for thought, AnythingObscure! Thanks!
Thanks for your comments Watchsearcher! Yes Charlie consistently beats me to this chair.
Thanks for your comments, rhineisfine! I was very happy to find it. I actually did not buy it on my first visit and went to my other house for a few days and thought about it several times. I was very happy to see that it was still there when I went back.
Thanks for loving my little chair Beachbum58, rhineisfine, Watchsearcher, usedcarlady and farmlady!
I take it the reason for the chair being unavailable for better images of the bottom is that someone raised a clawse! :)
First come, first served. In the contract....
Thanks for loving my "newest" rocker BHIFOS, leighannrn, Designer and AntigueToys!
Thank you ho2cultcha!
Thanks Daisy1000, snowman3 and Deapseas72!
Nice one!! Don't know how I missed this one. Awesome chair and fantastic bargain at $18.00!!!!
Added some updated images to this post.
Thanks for your comments jscott0363! It is a great chair, I agree. I added some images which show the label which proves this was a custom piece, not a cobbled together job as I had previously speculated. It has some pretty hefty springs which I tried to show being inspected by Amanda.