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Mills Vest Pocket 5 Cent Slot Machine

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3 items)

    This is my Mills Vest Pocket Slot Machine. These were made from the late 1930’s into the early 1950’s with the purpose of making the machine easy to hide from law enforcement in the event of an inspection. The award card flap can be flipped over to cover the reels in order to make the machine look like a vending machine. Machine work by putting nickel in circular slot then pushing slide all the way in. Once slide is pulled out nickel is gone and the reels will spin. Machine will pay out a 20 nickel jackpot upon matching 3 bars. Mills also manufactured these with special award cards that say “plus” which would enable the owner to offer additional jackpots that would be paid over the counter. This machine has a replacement lock as well as new reel strips and paint. Machine has original cash box. If a payout is achieved coins are paid out via the rectangular opening with a flap concealing it. Overall a very cool and interesting machine and one of my favorite collectibles

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      Wonderful treasure, welcome to CW !~
    2. unshippedsix unshippedsix, 2 years ago
      Thank you!

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