Posted 2 years ago
(1207 items)
This hand made enameled copper ashtray is about 7" in diameter x about 1" high and weighs 10 ounces. It has a mark on the back which reads "Consolidated Cigar Corporation: A Gulf Western Company". Guessing this is American made, but no idea of who made it. There were a couple of well known copper enamel ware makers at this time in the U.S.
CCC was founded in 1919 when six cigar makers merged. Over its history, CCC absorbed several well known cigar makers. It was purchased by the Gulf Western Company in 1968, which then sold CCC to several members of its board of directors in 1983. I assume that this is an ashtray for cigars and it can be dated to 1968-1983. I was able to find only one other example of this ashtray, so it was perhaps not made in large quantities, possibly for some special occasion.
I had a really frustrating thrift shop experience today as my fruitless search for two small tables continues. The first shop I went to has overpriced, not great furniture with a rare exception and I found nothing at all there, once my search for tables crapped out and I then conducted a search for something else interesting and found nothing but junk.
The second shop was a GW and they were having some sort of 75% off sale, which I did not realize until I was ready to check out. and also did not have any tables that met my needs. It was very crowded which is an unusual experience for me, since I am retired and can, and do, shop at low traffic times. I always do two circuits of the shelves, once for things that easily catch the eye and a second time for things which require deeper examination. I was quite irritated with crowded conditions and having found nothing at all at the first shop with an impending repeat of that experience near the end of my second sweep at GW when I spotted this ashtray/bowl. A steal for $1.99 and actually worth standing in line for.
What a beautiful copper tray with leaf design, really too pretty to be an ashtray for cigars :) BTW your photos are great as always
Excellent find and a great price. It's amazing the label is intact.
Thanks! Not a label, raised lettering covered by a clear coat of whatever is protecting the top surface!
The three pads, the same as on the other example I found, protected the bottom from wear. It is a classy piece. Guessing it was some sort of award or memento for management employees as I found no mention of CCC marketing tobacco paraphernalia just cigars.
Maybe to commemorate the acquisition of CCC by Gulf Western?
Thanks for loving my copper ashtray blunderbuss2, kev123, Cisum, Falcon61, Vynil33rpm, Cokeman1959, dav2no1, BHIFOS and Jenni!
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! I get lucky with my phone camera from time to time! If this had ever been used as an ashtray, it would probably not be in such nice shape, so the previous owner(s) must have agreed with you.
It's truly a beautiful find and at a $1.99, and it was quite a bargain!! I too get very frustrated with the crowded stores. Unfortunately, my plans to retire back in October fell thru with the current stock market situation. But, I look forward to it so that I can choose when and where I go shopping. Happy New Year my friend!!!!
Thanks for your comments and Happy New Year! Retirement has truly been the best time of my life! If I have to be at certain place, at a certain time more than four or five times a year, I get stressed! I worked in a very schedule driven profession, having to meet with people or complete tasks on a hourly or more frequent schedule every day, so up to a dozen times a day. Now I don't even use any kind of alarm clock, just go to sleep when I want to and get up when I want to. True freedom! I did not know I was a Night Person, until I retired! My 401K has plummeted but I do not need to start withdrawing from it for nearly another 5 years with the passage of Secure 2.0, so it will hopefully recover. Luckily, I have a decent pension. Hang in there, friend!
Thanks for loving my CCC ashtray jscott0363, PhilDMorris, Manikin, Kevin, kivatinitz and fortapache!
Thanks jbingham95, Daisy1000 and sherrilou!
Thanks Reise and Elainep!