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Wayne 60 S gas pump

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (945 items)

    We bought this cool Wayne 60S Showcase gas pump from a friend in Kansas a few years ago and had it displayed outside where it could be seen by more people but was in the weather. Today my 80 yr old wife and I loaded it up and hauled it across the street to the new Event Center where we put the Frontier globe on it. Few people are aware that Frontier bought the Beeline gas stations and refinery in Salt Lake and mixed the 2 Companies together and eventually eliminated the Beeline logo completely. Since I don’t have the lenses for a Beeline globe I just used the Frontier globe till I find a set of Beeline faces.


    1. Trey Trey, 2 years ago
      Nice RARE pump:)
    2. Thedecoguy Thedecoguy, 2 years ago
      What a great pump. Oozing Art deco.
      Love it !
    3. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 2 years ago
      Thx. Rare and cool, I think. Paid a fortune, but have looked forever to find one.
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 2 years ago
      The deco guy’
      Agreed on the deco. The Wayne 60s were the beauties of all pumps in my opinion.

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