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Flying A GAS Sign

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Gas, Oil, and Service Signs116 of 1672Champlin Fuel Texaco Oil cans
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (954 items)

    We got this pretty decent Flying A chicken wing GAS Sign several years ago and decided to show it in the new Lakeside Museum Event Center. Cool sign

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    1. OLECODY OLECODY, 2 years ago
      What a cool sign looks like an early one if you ever get to northern Ca. area bring a trailer pick some stuff up
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 2 years ago
      Maybe if the price of diesel ever gets so I can scour the Country again I’ll come visit u and see what you’ve got for me.
    3. Coke1234 Coke1234, 2 years ago
      What an amazing collection of really quality big original old signs. Your work just amazes me. Love checking out you new additions. Puts a smile on my face and gets me in a good mood. Especially during these cold winter days. Keep finding these gems.
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 2 years ago
      Thank u soooo much for your nice comments. I’m always amazed when collectors got thru and have very little to say and few comments about anything? What is that about I wonder? My heart jumps and pounds a bit harder every day when I turn the lights on and see all those incredible signs. I’m always amazed that old nobodies like us could manage to gather this much junk together on a limited budget. For me the fun has been in the finding and acquiring. Going to auctions like the big money guys do is a totally different hobby. Not bad just different. I like going thru barns and farms and old Ststions/Bulk Plants and finding treasures.

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