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50th Post.....Stewart-Warner Ahooga Horn

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (259 items)

    My 50th Post....Stewart-Warner Ahooga Horn

    It was actually advertised as a Stewart Hand Operated Warning Signal

    Inside the cylinder housing is spring steel diaphragm, when the top is pressed down, engaging the teeth that are engraved in the metal they rotate through a cog wheel an ahoo sound is made, the gha is made as the wheel slows down.

    The Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corporation based in Chicago, Illinois produced these horns that become synonymous with the Ford Model T . Prices ranged from $4.50- $7 through the 1910’s.

    My wife told me that it is very loud and annoying... I think it's fun :)

    Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!!


    1. kev123, 2 years ago
      C00l,excellent condition.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      Many Ahoogas to you also ! What a great find this was. I love finding the pieces myself like the French car mascots I find and then I go looking for any of the accessory catalogs manufacturers who posted the item. Congrats on your 50th birthday here also, friend !~
    3. hotairfan hotairfan, 2 years ago
      Great Find...... Great Sound.....
    4. Falcon61, 2 years ago
      Thank You kev123, PhilDMorris, and hotairfan for stopping by and leaving some very nice comments! I appreciate them :)
    5. Falcon61, 2 years ago
    6. Falcon61, 2 years ago
      I updated the post with clearer pictures AND I mounted the item on a piece of wood for stability when I want to Ahooga :)

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