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Brass lantern of unknown maker, origin and usage?

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (2 items)

    New to this site. I'm hoping the collective experience of everyone here might be able to educate me on this brass lantern I acquired from an estate. I have no history other than a "long shot" that it may have been from North Africa. There are NO makers marks, no stampings, no identifying marks anywhere on this piece. Note the door has two small ports, one circular, one rectangular with sliding covers. Both sides of this lantern slide up and have keepers for a glass panel. The door also has keepers for retaining a glass panel. The back of the lantern has two folding "D" style handles and what appears to be a clip apparatus for hanging on a belt or harness. Also note the large brass "fish hook" and brass chain attached to the wooden handle, presumably to hang the lantern up. I'm wondering if this piece has a nautical background? Thank you for any information you can offer!

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      I will come back and look closer when I have a moment..but at first glance kinda looks like a signal lantern used by military?

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