Posted 2 years ago
(1208 items)
This bowl is about 6" in diameter x 3" high. It has six decorated panels, unglazed interior and what looks like some recent wear to the bottom. Thanks to CanyonRoad for identifying it as Hopi.
A $3 thrift shop find, today. This type of pottery is not something I know much about. After a disappointing survey of a large thrift shop, I was on my way out the door when I spotted this bowl on a table about 15 feet away. Glad I decided to check it out!
Wow..all rhe thrift shops around here just have junk. Seems yours has treasures .
Thanks for your comments, dav2no1. Just about everything else at that store was junk. Finding this there was a shock!
Beautiful Native Amer./Mexican bowl, that's such a terrific geometric design, very nice find
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! It is very pretty!
Thanks for loving my bowl jbingham95, kivatinitz, Jenni, vcal, PhilDMorris, Kevin, fortapache, dav2no1, Vynil33rpm, collectorpaul and Falcon61!
Added another image and sharpened all images up a bit.
Thanks, jscott0363!
Thanks, finders9!
Thanks, Searching1!
Thank you, Cisum!
Have you learned any more about whether this is Native American or Mata Ortiz? I'd love to know the answer, too (just in case I'm ever lucky enough to find something similar). Maybe there's an expert that will know for sure. Until then, I'll just keep checking back. :)
Thanks for your comments and question, Bekssa! It is still a mystery. I haven't been able to find anything similar. There are a couple of folks on CW who are knowledgeable about stuff like this so maybe one of them will comment.
Fingers crossed!
Thanks for loving my bowl, Bekssa!
i would bet that this is a Hopi or Zuni seed pot, but i am no expert! CanyonRoad might be a big help.
Thanks ho2cultcha! Maybe he will chime in!
i think that this is a Hopi piece, but the top is too open for a seed pot, so a Hopi bowl. here's a similar one:
Thanks, ho2cultcha! The interior is not glazed, so not sure what use it would have as a bowl...
No Hopi pottery is ever glazed, so this classic Hopi bowl is no exception. It is definitely not Mexican, or from Mata Ortiz. Mata Ortiz pottery has only been made since the late 1970s, and this piece, especially since it is unsigned, appears earlier.
Hopi pottery is especially difficult to date sometimes, since the potters have been very traditional in their way of making it, and their use of Sikyatki design patterns, which have remained pretty much unchanged since the early 1900s.
It's a good piece, especially for a thrift shop find!
Thanks for sharing your expertise, CanyonRoad! This is quite a surprise. Too bad I did not go back there again to see if anything else showed up. Now I will have to put it someplace my cats cannot get at it.