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Musty Moldy Mustang Mover Matchbox Monday MB 13 Dodge Wreck Truck in F Bos 1969

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3475 items)

    This is the last of the BP series for now. There are still two more box versions fo this model. This box is the F box, the two I am missing are the E1 and E4 boxes, maybe the E3 I forget. This was the last box version for the regular wheels and after that is the Superfast version. The F box was only used in 1969. This box was the first time they got the colors to match the actual model plus the artwork is larger and there is more of it. The end flap artwork covers the whole flap and the top and bottom of the box have a diagram of how the hook works.
    Luckily this is based on a 1964 or 65 Dodge truck as I have two more box variations to get.

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