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Pottery363 of 12609Large green drip glaze pot Cole?Beautiful little bowl-who made it?
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (9 items)


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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Great stuff Waki. Hope your feeling better.
    2. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      normally photos are posted for bragging rights , I thought I'd put a few of my blunders in between , back to earth and reality, a sort of consolation ( endorsement for the rookies we have to start somewhere. 1 piece is extremely rare and
      very underestament, 2 are cheap stuff and 1= the grave monument of my grandson
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      Real beauties !~
    4. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      maybe I'll explain the pieces later if there's a need for it, and when I'm in a bit better shape , because I had a problem of conscience here, let's find a mode that everyone is happy about the deal , because I always have a big mouth aboutt ethics , and I thought I can't be a hypocrite now, otherwise I'll never get get 70 virgins in heaven
      so we have to find a modus
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 2 years ago
      Get better soon, APOSTATA !!!!
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 2 years ago
      I hope that you are back on your feet and feeling fit very soon, Apostata!
    7. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      I guess that bird is by Toikka , and if so, it's one of the coolest I have seen from him.

      Get better soon, we need your brains and skill here!
    8. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Beautiful photo quartet, I especially love the pretty red bird
    9. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      good here we go , i don,t know if it is attention seeking of me , not bragging rights , otherwise i would exposed better stuff , its probably devotion of duty or for my own theraputical reasons

      picture 1 story , we used to work at a lot of screens with advanced snipe bidding systems

      i saw an Karl Palda , was from the right decade but it was a caraf in stead of a vase and you need the drinking glasses other the value plummets

      told her you can,t sell this this you lose much value , this need very much cleaning in different forms

      she lived 17 clicks away,and i cleaned it

      to my surprise at the same local internet auction a vieuw days later this oiva toikka 2007 unique days toikka bird closed limited 100 appears , for 100 euro,s !!!!!! and it gonna bounce !!!, but i didnot notice , i thought must be broken, the bids froze ( same seller)

      this busseness is cuttroat actually THE ROI ( return on interest= picking up misstakes from different-
      dealers - different the frauds or stings getting delivered

      so i bought it for 175 euro, which is actually peanuts ,so everybody was happy
      you battle the pro,s not the kind ignorant people

      told Allah you have to deliver 70 virgins after i am gone , for once i did something right in my life

      photo 2 a very cheap savoy vase alvar aalto, payed 117 value 79 euro actually

      photo 3 joek van draanen grave monument grandson, Book of LIfe , ( not all the pages were turned , actuaaly almost non patens were turned , ( fu,,,,, sucks)

      forget the price

      4 photo Nabeshima Japanese porcelain this is reverse taimin seika nensei , the japanese equivalent of the chinese da ming cheng hua nian zhi , on the not seen marking on the reverse

      pars pro toto from a whole batch, well i knew the mark was bullshit but that was all i know, chengu ought an( japanese) equivalant of

      So i have to scrutinese if it was Japanese chengu revival ( around 1900)
      by means of kiln spurs , the so called in dented kilnspurs = called inside dimpling, well i am not the smartest , and got very bad eyes

      later i saw the kiln spurs were in complete alignment , so called Y aligment ( there is also cirkel alignment, and were machine was flattened

      so actually it is a total blunder and complete rubbish , but i always a sample and later we buy possible whole sale( because the shipping costs are high)

      payed 38 euro value 12 euro

    10. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      addendum so i got a lot of toikka,s it does,not mean ( only the hopeavilo, raquell, rantahararakka0 are decent stuff and the rest is toikka wall markt haha

      but believe this pomela is valuable because it is an closed 100 limited and from the closed 100limited nuutarjatvipersonal were preferent to buy , so this simple bird is EXTREMELY RARE

      and further i am a bit emotional , i would like to thank you all for the endorsement ( i am a cry baby)

      something strange is going on, I keep falling over, well that's not a problem, I'm used to that, but now I have no balance at all
    11. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Very sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope that you recover quickly!
    12. SEAN68 SEAN68, 2 years ago
      Get well soon!!!
    13. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      ty bro,s have to go too emotional
    14. inky inky, 2 years ago
      I’m so sorry to hear you are not good, apostata..I do hope you have someone there with you..take care and get better..I love reading all your comments on people’s posts, you have taught me stuff!..we do need and want you very much a strange way we all end up like feeling that we are all great friends with each other, although we actually meet just a few in actual flesh!…I’ll be lurking - watching…:-))
    15. apostata apostata, 1 year ago
      ty7 for the love
    16. mcheconi mcheconi, 1 year ago
      Hello, just passing to check if you are doing well. I read your comments and I am sorry you had health problems to deal with. Hopefully you are better now!
    17. apostata apostata, 1 year ago
      ty for the love, bit emotional from your consolation, ( but i am a crybaby , hahaha)
      i never gonna be better , i am used to it , it is all the game no sweat
      actually this gonna be a good day, nurses will be coming in at 16,00, today and made money rather big money for a client ( 2 guanghxu plates TIME AND PERIOD !!!and the temptation was rather big to buy it myself , because all art dealers are scoundrels , me included,but we must have some ethics,

      so for once i did some good,

      saw some assessments of me on this site, not satisfied, have to study harder , but lack the energy

      kia ora

    18. SEAN68 SEAN68, 1 year ago
      love the bird and the vase !!
    19. mcheconi mcheconi, 1 year ago
      Good to know you have the means to keep yourself well treated and safe. haha, yes, all art dealers are scoundrels, you are absolutely right. But you gotta make a living! Be well soon!

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