Posted 2 years ago
(259 items)
1960s Tonka Beach Buggy #42
Later 1970s versions had "Beach Buggy" or "Dune Buggy" lettered on the hood. Earlier versions like this one have "Tonka".
Either way it looks like CJ 5 Jeep to me.
Must be a Beach Buggy as it has a surfer dude on the box.
This is red like a real CJ5 I had years ago that I rolled over on a trail back in my wild and crazy days.
I wasn't a surfer. Water was much too cold in Lake Superior.... for me anyway.
Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!
WOW. Nice one. Always good to have original box too.
Thank You DejaVu2 for the "WOW" comment! :)
That's a fabulous beach buggy replica, can just picture it scooting across the sand
Thank You Newfld for the fun comment!! :)
It is pressed steel gold.