Posted 2 years ago
(221 items)
... only 4 cm high !, cast from bronze and found at a flea market. The seller started with the quivalent of USD 70. I got him down to the equivalent of USD 36, which is probably still way too much. When you go to flea markets, you end up going home with other people's souvenirs from far away countries. Maybe you can tell me something about it ? The base was made by yours truly.
Feng Shui or an Chasong maybe for the tea
you have to asked H2O, i forgot the name in Thai , i thought Chasang
Thanks Prostata ! Any idea about how old ?
no i judt don,t know
It has now been suggested that it's Jina from the Indian Jain religion. So now I only hope to find out how old it is and how to display such a small statuette ? Any ideas ?
Whatever , IMO it is just a FENG SHui
IF you want to define it as JAin , no sweat as long as you don,t define it Mahavir Jayanti for the obvious reasons
Feng Shui figuur, miniatuur meditatie where is the symbol on his chest ? ) if a monk why big ears
so to be honest i do not know, maybe pocket ware for travelling , this could be anything even myanmar, i thought i am not sure call they it chasang
i am chaotic sorry ( medicines) , just remember
Whatever , IMO it is just a FENG SHui
IF you want to define it as JAin , no sweat as long as you don,t define it Mahavir Jayanti for the obvious reasons
Thanks again. Now I'm confused at a higher level.
how do you mean more confused have you seen the head gear and there is no emblem on the chest,depends of the size,
I wonder what are the criteria for a jain mutrhi invocation if you get a monk is that possible , because the manifistation could be a god already, don,t you need a praktisch murthi, manifestation
2 questions it,is a awfull small jahri muthri for a grah chaityalay ain,t it
PUJA could be the exemption = the principle of God with no shape, so you are not constricted to the a size grah chatyaqlay, i aqm just quessing
Is the mark on his chest not a srivatsa ? Excuse me for my rusti Hindi. I wonder how
old the figure is ? Does anyone know ?
The eternal knot, sometimes called the “endless knot” or “the glorious knot” is called ????????? or palbeu in Tibetan. In Sanskrit, it is called shrivasta. Because the knot has no beginning and no end, the eternal knot symbolizes the endless wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.(auspicious )symbol
i don,t know how old it is