Posted 2 years ago
(3474 items)
Having just been to Morro Bay I had to go to the Shell Shop. In fact that is the main reason I went there. Anyway back in the long ago the Shell Shop got started selling abalone shells from a stand. Abalone harvesting was a big industry in Morro Bay and there were many abalone shells like these. In fact this is one of them from the 1960s. There were so many they still have them. I think they became endangered and now sea otters eat them. Apparently sea otters eat a fortune in sea food as they like shellfish, crab and lobster.
Many more shells to come I fear.
But I need to go back and get the ones they keep in the locked cabinets.
Beautiful abalone shell fort, you have a great shell collection look forward to seeing more
uauh I never saw one of this color
In the old farmhouse in the basement we had one of these from before we got there and it was full of rat poison, gorgeous shells !~
Thank you very much Newfld. It will get even better.
Thank you very much Falcon. It is a fine salute to the mighty abalone.
Thank you very much kivatinitz.
Thank you very much Phil. Lovely story.