Posted 2 years ago
(259 items)
My Dad on his New Honda CL350 Scrambler (1969)
I remember my dad as a being a diehard Harley rider.
He decided to buy this scrambler since it was able to be ridden with on trails having more clearance and agility than his big bikes.
He didn't go with the CB350 as it was more of a street bike. He would have probably ripped off the lower placed exhaust while riding through the woods and farm fields.
Realistically, my brothers and I rode this bike more than my dad did.
The Honda was a fun thumper.
My dad felt more comfortable on his Harleys.
I don't remember him ever wearing penny-loafers though. He usually wore Wellingtons.
Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!
Beautiful memories of your dad and your early years….
Great memories's some pics of my father in the service. You might enjoy his note card on his bikes..
Thank You Watchsearcher and dav2n01 for taking the time to comment on my post!
@Watchsearcher.... yep.... my Dad has been gone many years now but still miss him dearly.
@ dav2n01 .... pretty cool!
Thanks to all for the "Love It" clicks! I really do appreciate them :)
Gorgeous little family bikes like this pour on the memories, you have some great ones !~
Love it ! I owned the 1969, 305 Scrambler Version, which looks like a Match, except for the tank. 1300 mile road trip from San Diego to Sacramento and Back, with Snow on the Grapevine Mountains, at 17 Years Old, Jan. 1969. I had it bored to 350 later on.
Memories ! Thanks !