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Keiten Takahashi (?) cast iron festival figures

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mp.kunst's loves246 of 446Loetz Phänomen Genre 1/154, PN II-373 (Hofstötter Paris form), ca. 1901Lötz: Ruby matt iris, PN II 222
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1207 items)

    These cast iron figurines are about 5" high. They are either originals or copies of figurines made by Japanese artist Keiten Takahashi. I am not sure which. The patina looks like a fair example of his work, so if they are copies, someone made an effort to make copies that could pass for his work on one of his not best days. The marks are also not great examples of his signature but the mold work, in general, is very fine.

    I am on the fence on this one. I have a couple of good examples of his work, so am perhaps being overly critical? His work is frequently counterfeited, though. The seller's images are not great, they did not know who the artist might be and sell a smorgasbord of stuff, so they might be real. If they are, I will sell the male dancing figure on the right in the first photo, as that would more than return what I paid for the set. Taking a chance. If they are copies, then I paid too much for the set.

    My other posts on figurines from this set. I would like to collect a complete set...

    Born in 1920 in Yamagata City, Miyagi Prefecture, Keiten Takahashi inherited his family's foundry business at the age of 19 in 1938. He first studied metal casting under Nagano Tetsushi in 1950. His work was first accepted into the government-sponsored 7th Nitten exhibition in 1951. In 1963, he won the encouragement prize at the Nihon Dento Kogei Ten (Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition) and from 1972 served as a judge for the exhibition. He presented his work to both the Showa Emperor and the Heisei Emperor on the occasions of their visits to Yamagata. In 1979, his works were presented to the Crown Prince of Japan. In 1996, Takahashi Keiten was designated Juyo Mukei Bunkazai or Important Intangible Cultural Asset (commonly known as a Living National Treasure). He died in 2009.

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    1. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 2 years ago
      Wish we all could dance to the Music and Cast frozen in time. Great pieces!!
    2. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for the thought, Stuff!

      Thanks for loving my figurines, Cisum, mikelv85, mp.kunst, dav2no1, yougottahavestuff and Vynil33rpm!
    3. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      A very happy bunch, love their joyful dancing poses
    4. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks, Jenni!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thank you, AmusedMedley, kivatinitz, Blueyecon, Drake47, Karen, Falcon61, vcal, Manikin, fortapache, and Kevin!

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