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A rare Loetz Cytisus Vase

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (87 items)

    The 'Cytisus' decor, introduced in 1902, was one of the most succesful designs made by Loetz. It met the taste of the time and still today it hasn't lost any from it's fascination. It comes in Lemon- and Metal-yellow, Neurot and, like my vase, in Maygreen, in he lower half with red, irregularly pulled, bands containing thin, deep red threadings and randomly distributed silver yellow iridized spots. In the same year Loetz Loetz designed a series of about 20 vases with handles being pulled out of the hot glass mass, such that the decor is continued from the body over the handles, demonstrating the mastership of the glassmakers. My vase has PN=II-2/624 (1902) and is described by 'with 4 pulled out handles and twisted'. From the fotos you may see, that the twist in between the mouth and the bottom of the vase amounts at least to 1/2 turn. It stands H=20.5 cm, the top rim diameter is Do=8.0 cm and at the bottom the maximum diameter is DM=12.0 cm. It has a polished pontil and is unsigned.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 2 years ago
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      It is mesmerizing; looks alive with some oxygen-rich bloody solution surging thru veins of some strange bile-containing organ. Other worldly, even. Love it!
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      Be-llí-si-mo so beautiful, is one of the best things I had ever seen
    4. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 2 years ago
      A fabulous example of the Loetz Cytisus decor. The extruded handles and color combination make this a very special piece indeed! Congratulations!
    5. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 2 years ago
      Superb, Kai! Congratulations!
    6. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 1 year ago
      what a nice vase.... adore everything the movement of the ensamble......

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