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Japanese cloisonne

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (559 items)

    Prompted by my friend here, #shareurpassion, I have finally got around to putting up these items.
    I haven't deliberately set out to collect Japanese cloisonne, these just came along in random and lucky ways.
    The iris vase is 22cm tall and although not labeled I believe from similar others it is by Ando. Fortunately it is pristine with no cracks or chips in the enamel.
    The cherry blossom plate is also Ando, with sticker, and measures 24cm x 18cm. Like many cloisonne plates it has chips and cracks on the corners where it has been dropped.
    The smaller plates are by two differing makers. The hibiscus(?) plate is Ando, and it's had a hard life. The other cherry blossom three are part of a set of five, by Tutanka, and they are in better condition.
    The size of the small plates is the same between the two makers at 12cm x 10cm, although the back enamel on the Tutanka is more speckled than the Ando.

    There is nothing hugely valuable here but all are lovely and fit in well.

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    China Fengshui Cloisonne Enamel Bronze Foo Fu Dog Guardion Lion Statue Pair
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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 2 years ago
      Always loved cloisonne. I've had a few pieces and as you say they always have a nick or two. The vase is a beauty ! Nothing wrong with a little eye candy vs value :)
    2. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Outstanding Japanese cloisonne, these are all delightful in particular that awesome iris vase
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      Adore cloisone and champleve
    4. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      Thanks Mike.
      Being old and imperfect myself I have no issues with damaged items here. The beauty still exists.

      Jenni the iris vase is more special. Wireless cloisonné like makes the motif so deep and lovely. I’m glad you liked it too.

      Sylvia I own no champleve but would like a piece!
      Yes, it is all beautiful. Thank you for you comment.
    5. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      nice vase , you are hard to follow deep motif ? it is not fukai yusen shippo as far as i see, IMO it is SHOWA, will run anyway well done
    6. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      if you state it is fukai, you shut out 3 d design

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