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Art Deco Czech spatter glass vase

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BHIFOS's loves1906 of 4973Lötz Ausführung 224, around 1925 Taiwan art glass vase
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (948 items)

    This was a super local op shop find today!
    The vase is made from two layers of cased glass, clear over deep orange with a bottom up spatter in pea - green & black. It measures 21 cm tall, 4.5 cm across the top rim, & 7.5 cm across the base.
    I haven't seen this exact spatter combination before...the pea - green is a bit more intense in person, it turned out paler in the photos. The vibrant orange contains cadmium & glows a pinkish - orange under UV light.
    In perfect condition.
    Czech origin, 1920s - 1930s.

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    1. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 2 years ago
      A great addition to your amazing collection!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      Many thanks, Daisy1000!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      Another great find.
      How do they survive so long and still look so new!
    4. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      Thanks so much, Karen!
      I know, it's amazing, isn't it? This was from the Salvos we went to last year... :-)

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