Posted 2 years ago
(3465 items)
Scallops are Bi-valves which means dual shelled. The thing about scallops that make them different from other bi-valves is that they are mobile. They can jet around by opening and closing their shells and they can migrate. They use the jetting ability to escape from starfish and other such predators.
Normally scallop shells will be just half a shell at a time but this is the whole thing both halves together. Scallops come in several colors just like the Shell Oil sign. This is the last of my shells from the Shell Shop. It is about a 5 hour drive so I can't get there often. Perhaps in December when the bull elephant seals are up there.
Awesome pink scallop shell it's a real beauty
It's pretty. Don't think I've seen a full double sided one before.
Amazing— a Welz decor in nature!
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much elanski. Me either.
And thank you very much Scottvez.