Posted 2 years ago
(259 items)
My Other Car is a B-29 Superfortress "FIFI" License Plate Frame
I had to buy this at a recent Car Show/Swap Meet for my wife.
She drives around a Lincoln Town Car that is about the size of an aircraft carrier.
She has yet to put it on her car. I wonder why?
Pretty cool plate frame though...
From Wikipedia....
"FIFI is a Boeing B-29 Superfortress. It is one of two B-29s in the world flying as of 2022 (with Doc being the other). It is owned by the Commemorative Air Force and is based at the Victor N. Agather Hangar at Dallas Executive Airport in Dallas, Texas.
FIFI tours the United States and Canada annually. It takes part in various air shows and offers rides."
This item must have been originally purchased from an airshow.
Thanks Much for Looking at my Post!!
Nice,,, keep ‘em flying
Wife and I had our boat Anchored on the Mystic river in Boston for the Fourth in 2003 waiting for the fireworks. A shadow come over us!!! Stealth Bomber!! Never heard him coming!!! Sure heard it leaving!!
The Stealth Bomber is appropriately named :)
I can tell the difference between Fifi and Doc at a glance. Is that nerdy?