Posted 2 years ago
(259 items)
1950s Original Photos of Rochester (MN) Art Center Demolition Event
I recently purchased a pile of original photos from a local thrift shop for a couple of dollars.
I discovered a couple of pics that captured the demolition of a building that housed the Rochester Art Center at one time.
The last photo is taken off their website for comparison.
Quoting from their website:
"Its first humble home began in the unused upstairs rooms of the Rochester public library building, moving in 1948 to a small abandoned church on the corner of West Center Street and Third Avenue Northwest. Holland, Dr. Hiram Essex, and other art patrons led a fund drive that enabled the purchase of the church and lease of the lot on which it stood. Their first exhibition: Everyday Art for Everybody, held April 1948 featured a display of well-designed, useful articles for the home."
They moved 1n the mid 50s as they needed a bigger place as the old church building was too small.
I'm assuming that these two pictures were taken shortly after they moved out :)
Thanks Much for Looking!
Great photo find
Thank You Vynil33rpm for Taking the Time to Read my Post
Terrible waste of a beautiful building probably so they could show crass quality art !~