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Clarice Cliff Staffordshire

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Pottery264 of 12602Emerald Green-Gilt Trim Deco Coffee Server / Hall ?? /Circa 1930'sAsian(Chinese?) Butterfly teapot
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (2 items)

    Does anyone have any idea what this odd-looking Clarice Cliff piece is? I've looked and can't find anything similar. It has me stumped.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. art.pottery, 2 years ago
      Chamberstick/candleholder would be my guess.
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 2 years ago
      ditto: candle holder
    3. Coloradogigi, 2 years ago
      Thank you. That never occurred to me becauseof the size, but then the handle makes sense. But those knobby things at the bottom are different than what would usually be found to hold candles. And what would the holes in back be for?

      Off to do more research.

    4. Coloradogigi, 2 years ago
      Looks like you were correct!

      Found one selling as a candle holder. The variety of pieces and designs her studio produced was amazing. Her's is an interesting story.
    5. Coloradogigi, 2 years ago
      @TallCakes - I didn't notice the link you provided. Thank you.

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