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Skeleton keys and brass key tag

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (76 items)

    My little skeleton key collection, I framed a few of my favourite and probably have more kicking around in my drawers somewhere. I’ve always been drawn to the shapes, sizes and the different designs. I’ve tried to research the brass tag, but no luck in finding any information it appears to be brass and I have been tempted to polish it but some prefer the older patina. It reads “the identification and protection CO. Canada Limited Montreal will pay $1.00 for the return of these keys if lost, will identify owner # 4251” just the fact that they are offering a ‘whole dollar’ for the return tells me that this is quite old

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      I love me some keys and mystery! What does the key ring say? It appears to also have writing.

      I could not find anything about this company. I wonder if it was some type of home insurance company?

      I would suggest contacting the Montreal Historical Society or other History society's. I've found these people to be quite helpful with past items. Here's a few suggestions..

      Here's a cool key I posted recently..

      And this was is pretty interesting..only one I've come across..
    2. Laurabelle61 Laurabelle61, 2 years ago
      The darker ring that goes through the brass tag I believe did not go with the tag and it's something totally separate it actually says Musquodoboit Harbour on it and a persons name ... that is a long way from Montreal. You have good eyes to pick that up! I did a lot of searching on the Internet one night to find the brass tag, but nothing. I thought it may have been earlier war amps key tag program. I will check out your links. The insurance company idea is good

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