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Cobalt blue art glass bowl

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BHIFOS's loves1813 of 4973Kitaichi Glass groupLavender tinted iridescent etched vase
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (65 items)

    Beautiful bowl my son gave me for mothers day a few years ago, such a royal blue, so beautiful when the sun hits it! No makers mark, so no clues to origins.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      Gorgeous cobalt colour, this fan has sort of a ruffled look which entices the shape and almost looks as if it has been in the wind. I now keep my Beswick vase collection above my kitchen cupboards and with all the shapes it is wonderful. This is such a nice piece for you to love !~
    2. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      i don,t know what this is the question is Fazzoletto or ruffle bowl, it is to dense and to sturdy probably to call it technically( vetri artistico murano fazzoletti), although the name english throw it out of the window handkerchif vases Fazzoletto nowadays

      poem--- near source of Lethe

      seen from the balcony
      near death
      blue rinse with perm
      like a foaming river, in it heads like bare rocks

      their dancing is but
      the crumpling of diamonds and flowers
      in jackets and dresses
      the floor is made of slippers

      a glass of eggnog as a sunny thought
      to the past: days at the skating ring
      they are stuck on those brown photos,s
      never aged a day
    3. Faith.k Faith.k, 2 years ago
      I love the prose, thanks for sharing! I think it's a bit sturdy myself, not as delicate as some of my other art glass, also thank you for the love everyone
    4. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      Great colour in this Faith.
      I can confidently say it's not Japanese if that's any help.

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