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    Posted 2 years ago

    (76 items)

    Thought I’d share a few oldies, but goodies… vinyl 45s’s. The flipside of Santa Claus is coming to town is Rudolph the red nose reindeer , and Harper Valley PTA is yesterday all day, long day. I had great Aunt that told me once that everything comes back in style someday , usually every 15 to 20 years. Vinyl may have taken a little longer but I’m glad it’s back and I’m glad I hung onto mine. Nothing makes us wax nostalgic, more than an old tune. Do you remember what your first vinyl purchase was ? Mine was Stuck in the middle with you by Stealers Wheel What’s your prediction on CDs and DVDs? ( one of the more popular versions of Rudolph, the red nose reindeer)

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    1. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Laurabelle61, Cool. :-)

      Jeannie C. Riley Harper Valley PTA Live 1968

      I actually don't remember what my first vynil purchase was, but I have vivid memories of a couple of buys, only one of which I still have.

      I've gotten rid of almost all of my vinyl, but I held onto one double album I bought in Germany until I was able to replicate it on CD format. Now that I have the CDs, I still have the vinyl copy. I don't know why, except perhaps the memory of buying it has stopped me from getting rid of it.

      CDs/DVDs are passe, and I don't know if they'll ever make a comeback. That's the medium I still have because it takes up less room than vinyl. Eventually, I'll go just go with audio files.

      "Stuck In the Middle With You?" What an earworm:

      Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You (1972)
    2. Laurabelle61 Laurabelle61, 2 years ago
      Thank you Keramikos once again for all the interesting information… I agree, a definite earworm. Maybe they should have called it “stuck in the middle of my head with you”I guess it’s fitting that Tarantino played it during a scene in Reservoir Dogs where they were slicing off an ear!;)
    3. Falcon61, 2 years ago
      Funny .... every time I walk into a room with a piano.... I sit down and play that Coca Cola tune. Now I'll have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day :)
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      I’d like to teach the world to sing ,,cool I remember
      The first record I bought,,,it was smoky the bear
      I still have the record (I can still hear it in my head )
      I was 5 years old ,,, then at seven I inherited
      The William Tell overture ,,Meanwhile ,because ,
      my mother had eight children,,we had Help
      She played her Radio stations ,,then about that time
      The Beatles Help record was released ,,
      So Jimmy ,my Pal and I put in halves for it

    5. Falcon61, 2 years ago
    6. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      This is a post alert ,,somebody just posted ,a Response
      to your question,, ResponDay Sea -View -Play :)
    7. Laurabelle61 Laurabelle61, 2 years ago
      Hi Vynil … eight children you say, I would need help too! Do you still have that record? I’m not familiar with Smoky the Bear except for the guy we have posted on the sign in the woods, telling us to put out fires.

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