Posted 2 years ago
(3478 items)
This is one of the most popular dinosaurs but it just gets role as an extra is Jurassic Park. I think one was in the 2nd Jurassic World movie but doesn't do much. .Ankylosaurus was a large heavy dinosaur at close to 9 tons and 25 feet long. The heavy armored shell and solid bones probably helped with the weight. The shell is actually fused bones although I think that is true of all shells on reptiles. But this one has all kinds of nifty lumps and spikes around the edges. Plus that nifty club at the end of the tail. That needs a cool name like the Thagamizer on a Stegosaurus.
The figure has great detail and animation. Even Carnotaurus doesn't want any of that.
It was an outrage.
Ankylosauras, being a premier dinosaur, should have been a star.
Thank you very much racer4four. It is an outrage!