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Welz Vases with snake

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (906 items)

    Image 1 Welz vases with a rose bowl in the same Welz décor. The large one at 35cm. is my tallest piece of Welz and won't fit in any cabinet.
    Image 2 Other Welz décors on the same rose bowl shape.
    Image 3 The blue ones are the same height as the smaller one in image one but have a smaller diameter'
    Image 4 I've managed to capture one of ribs that rise from foot to rim on all of these vases.
    I have a pair in brown and yellow, but goodness knows where!

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      Super post, Peggy!
      I have often wondered who made these vases...I got my first one in 1989 as a teenager, at a school fete, & it cost me the grand sum of $1.
      Interestingly, this style of vase is found fairly frequently in Australia in a number of different spatter decors but I've never seen the mostly blue based version depicted in photos 3 & 4.
      The extra tall example in your first photo is the same decor as the vase I acquired last week, though mine is is 29.5 cm tall. I recall seeing a vase of this style in a different decor (mostly orange, with some light blue & white) in a clothes shop as a display item in 1996 (sadly not for sale). From memory it was possibly taller again, maybe 45 - 50 cm.
    2. sklo42 sklo42, 2 years ago
      Marin, I read recently that Australia, the U.K. and a.n.other are the best hunting grounds for Welz. Further, if I remember correctly, when I started collecting glass the maker of these was still undecided.
    3. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      It's interesting what was imported to Australia, some Bohemian glass more than others.
      I love those square ribs and feet, they are wonderful. Good pics of them too.
    4. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 1 year ago
      very interesting Peggy..... I miss your posts
    5. sklo42 sklo42, 1 year ago
      racer4four, it would be interesting to hear your views in detail. Do you see more glass from one period rather than another? Or is it that you see more from some makers than others. Here Victorian Welz is easily found but Art Deco Welz is much, much rarer. I believe there are socio economic reasons for it.........
    6. sklo42 sklo42, 1 year ago
      Hello, Sylvia, I'm pleased you found it interesting and I apol0gize for not replying sooner. There's been a lot going on recently and posting glass got squeezed out. Hopefully I may get back to it soon.

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