Posted 2 years ago
(65 items)
Chinese, I think, not sure how old, or if any value, but I paid 14.99 plus tax at goodwill today, and am curious about it. Also, the height is approximately 15-16", don't have a tape measure handy, will update later. Also, if anyone knows, is the chip in the rim ruin it as a collectable piece? As always, thank you
Seems like a nice piece Faith. k. The painting is very well done. There's a bit of wear and I see an iron spot on the rim which may indicate age, The lack of a mark is not always a bad thing since most are honorific (in the style of..etc.) Shame about the chip. Probably recent in processing to put it out since it's not darkened. Just my thoughts. I would have bought it too. Maybe Apostata will weigh in. Nice find . :)
apostata don,t know this , he try to cover his a##, he is in this for a long time, but dave his stuff takes s a long (silk) made some paradigma blunders , and garments is not the most common chinese
Thank you, I too feel the chip was very recent, sad. Seems so careless. Apostata, does this mean not a good thing? So made in 20th century for export? If it's not portrayed properly, I have 7 days to return it if I choose to, so not losing anything, just wish I could find out more. I think it's trying to mimic a 19th century style, but the rim seems wrong for the body shape. That's all my current searches have found. Wish it could talk, haha.
sorry i am not Jesus answer will follow sooner or later mikelven got a good remark about iron spots ( probably meant baking flaws)
no reason to bring it back IMO ,you main the chip foto two ??
it is a type of canton famille scene 19 century , but without dignataries
well there are combinations with dots ( compare ( pointilisme -seurat signac) with semi blossoming orange faces, but it does,not make sense , the stroking *( frotte is shallow and watery
i think they try to represent elements of kangxi , but then in the kangi revival way
the alternating red and green garlands obverse side is also used in the kangxi revival famille verte, only in another way not in the IMO wrong let,s say pastel way
the common denominator red-green-red green - etc , mostly made crijsantium leaves they als highly stylised it and then it was called sharkteeth pattern
i have never seen them this way, probably probably waterfloating lotus
it just doesnot make sense also the inner flower design which usually come in this way from 1920 on
about the baking flaws ( i am not an export) depends on the situation , a lot of origianal blue onderglaze got no baking flaws at all
IMO it is even possible to have ferro-sedimentatation in pieces more later
to be honest , i cant see no ferro-sedimentation on the bottom , actually i can,t see any texture on the whole bottom
IMO there are not much bakingsflaws and if there are it is actually not oncommon
we got an massive undersurface where there is IMO no ferro sedimentatie en suddenly in the minor -in tiny spots ferro spots appear , i don,t think it is so likely, changing the compound os the glazing or enameling ?
personnaly i think we have to limited the didcussion between REpublic period and peoples republic period of CHina, i tend to PROC PERiod
i think for a starting collector , this is at least worth the 15 dollar, i think you did rather well , a rather surprising piece, this ain,t boring, if you a boring piece meet my former wife
Hahah, that was a great comment ender! I have a difficult time keeping things that are chipped, cracked or broken, this is something I'm trying to overcome, as I am now into collecting older pieces, and the percentage of pristine pieces is pretty small. So you thinking around 1940-60?
Also, I can exchange current pics for some different shots, and close up of top, bottom?
this is sufficient information . 1 of better pieces in your collection , thats what i think, i can,t date it closely , so i could be wrong but IMO it least 1920 and it could be likelij proc period , that,s all i can do
Thank you once again, Apostata, your willingness to share your knowledge with me and others is a wonderful part of this site, I am learning so much! Not sure about PROC dating period, think something like 1940s to 1970s, going to look it up now????
48. APRILVEILING 2021 TWENTS VEilinghuis update
Veiling op donderdag 8 april 2021 van 10:00
afgesloten | Standaard veiling
Chinese Fam. Rose vaas7010
Resultaat:225 EUR
Grote 19e eeuwse fijn gedecoreerde Familie Rose porseleinen vaas met figuren en floraal decor. Bovenrand beschadigd. Afmeting: H 45,5 cm. In redelijke staat.
CAN,T SCAN AND PRINT, JESUS CHRIST , still believe i am right
for who it may concerns , try it
I will help apostata a little. This is what he wanted to show you:¤tpos=11
ty i got computer trouble , well it look sthe same but it is,nt , faith piece imo it is missing complexity
and the red export strip is in faith piece , it islacking vividness
I definitely see the similarities, but the shape is different, to my eyes, mine has sharper shoulders and is more beaker shaped at the neck, and flares to a thinner, more delicate porcelain at the rim? I am unsure if my wording is correct in description, but hopefully conveys what I'm trying to say! Thanks Apostata and m.p kunst, it's an honor and adventure learning from this site!