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One piece wood slat sign “Antiques”

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Lady_Picker's loves60 of 1730A few new signs on this 29 th day of August 2023 Early 7’ Wooden Cigar Indian
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (677 items)

    Today there was a car show in North Salem, Indiana. I didn’t take my old truck, I just took my everyday truck and was just out looking at garage sales and barn sales. On my way home I stopped at a sale and in the back of the guys house was a very old barn. It had a 1946 fire engine in it and hay mound was just full of stuff. I saw this old wood sign that had antiques painted on both sides of it and it was either on a grain truck or a grain trailer back in the day. I couldn’t beat the guy up on the price so I had to pay his price and I brought it home and it’s hanging it’s home for a few years or until someone wants it worse than me. :-) I would consider this folk art.


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    1. Falcon61, 1 year ago
      Great Antique Sign!
      The Flag is Awesome.... God Bless America!! :)
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Great sign!! Glad you didn't let it get away.

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