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Militaria Collection

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Recent Activity4119 of 7283NVA Regular Pith HelmetWWI MAIL BAGS
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (310 items)

    Wheelman225's post inspired me to post my displayed collection too. Here are two shots of my militaria collection. I'm still setting up the rest of the room. When I constructed this room in my basement, I used pegboard instead of drywall for the upper portions of each wall. I cover the metal pegboard hooks with soft rubber tubing to protect my collection from scratches. The cabinet in the first picture is for medals, patches and insignia. The glass display case in the lower right in the second picture is actually an antique oak display case from an old drug store, now displaying uniforms. I have another oak Fuller Brush Company display case I’ll be putting military belts in once I get the room finished.

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    1. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Thanks Samovar88, Officialfuel, Stepback, SavoyChina1 and Scott
    2. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      And thank you Manikin
    3. Driewer Driewer, 13 years ago
      Nice collection Chris! You have some nice Pickelhaubes helmets there! What kind of swords and bayonets are in there?
    4. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      The swords in the first picture are mostly US, Civil War through 1902 - with a French and Japanese one as well. A couple over the display cases are imperial German - there's more imperial German swords to the right of the photo, out of view. In photo #2 the swords are Victorian or Edwardian British or native to British colonial posessions. The Bayonets are US or European spanning the Indian Mutiny through WWI, with one WWII bayonet besides. The bayonets fit the rifles inside the safe.
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 13 years ago
      I can tell this is going to be a l-o-n-g thread.
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 13 years ago
      I can't believe this thread has stopped. This is merde we guys love!
      If U live anywhere near Lexington, KY, I may have something to add to your collection.
    7. Militarist Militarist, 13 years ago
      Very Nice!! I hope your basement never floods and that you have a good dehumidifier in use.
    8. Militarist Militarist, 13 years ago
      Another thought, if you keep the safe closed for long periods of time keep some silica packets in there. I save these packets which my wife finds in purses and clothing and put them in sealed long term storage containers to eliminate damaging moisture. When not in use I store these packets in zip lock plastic bags. I also use them in my bank safe deposit boxes.
    9. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 12 years ago
      I was just looking over my old posts and noticed the “new” comments.

      Sorry Blunder, I live on the left coast.

      Militarist, actually I have a US Navy surplus dehumidifier in that safe. It's silica crystals in a cylinder that’s 4” diameter and about 14” long. It can be re-vitalized by heating in an oven till the indicator panel turns blue. Lovely item to have.

      Thanks for the love and likes, ttomtucker, blunderbuss2, walksoftly, miKKoChristmas11, petey, Manikin, Samovar88, officialfuel, stepback_antiques, Savoychina1, and scottvez.
    10. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      I've updated this post by adding a photo of the gun cabinet opened.
    11. tlmbaran tlmbaran, 11 years ago
      Nice collection. I need a bigger basement for my collection. Wish I had a ranch house with a HUGE basement.....the lack of space has curbed me from collecting...unless I start putting full dressed mannequins with period uniforms in several rooms through out the house.....but that would be a little over the top for me....
    12. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the comment and the "Love." The room is still a work in progress. Uniforms are neatly folded in a glass case until I can come up with a more efficient system. I'd use mannequins, but then I'd want a Plexiglas case around them.

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