Posted 1 year ago
(5053 items)
I don't regularly read the 'Siberian Times', but i just found this article on the lost archives of Alexander Kolchak which were found in Paris when his son passed away in 2019. I originally posted about this Dictionaire, Encyclopedique et Biographique de L'Industrie et Des Arts Industriels - Ex libris A. Koltchak when i found it in a 2nd hand store in NH nine years ago. I think this may be part of that lost archive. It's very difficult to find info about Koltchak when he was young, but he was very educated and spoke and wrote French and English perfectly.
"Admiral Kolchak’s archive has returned to Russia 100 years after his execution
12 February 2020
A group of Russian billionaires spent over 3 million euro at French auction to buy historic papers of the man who tried - and failed - to halt Bolsheviks."
Regardless, it's a fascinating read here:
I wonder how i might find out more about it and possibly even confirm that this set was part of his archive.
Interestingly, Kolchak spent 1900 almost entirely on a crazy polar expedition, where he became known as Polar Kolchak. very interesting history about him here:
Quite the storied life..from researcher to Supreme leader to death by firing squad.
and polar explorer when it was extremely dangerous.
It's claimed he suffered from rheumatism due to the adventure..
yes, he had quite a few health issues later in his short life.
i just added a photo of the entire set of volumes. it's really interesting to flip through them. thousands and thousands of illustration of everything to do w/ science and art from the 1890 Paris Exposition.
very interesting this history
yes, it is kiva. The story of the amazing leader of the group which fought the bolsheviks despite being outnumbered 30 to 1!