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Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent glass rose bowl vases - restored with new metal flower holders!

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BHIFOS's loves1530 of 4973Loetz: Pot metal yellow PN II 2/602, decor no. 294, "Damasc" My first wooden phone rescue attempt.
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (948 items)

    For everyone who collects Bohemian art glass from the Art Nouveau to Tango eras, it is a familiar issue - rose bowl vases missing their metal flower holders. It is extremely difficult to track down replacements!
    Luckily for me, I found two of them on eBay UK while looking at glass. So I hit the buy it now & around two weeks later, they arrived.
    I was then able to put them together with two vases that were in need of replacements. Even though both of the metal flower frogs are a bit too big for the vases, they still make the vases look so much better!
    Now, I just need to find a couple more of these elusive items in smaller sizes to complete some more vases...the search goes on. At least I know now that it's not impossible!

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 1 year ago
      Nice find!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Many thanks, Bernard!
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 1 year ago
      Nice Catch !!!!
    4. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Much appreciated, Kevin!
    5. Faith.k Faith.k, 1 year ago
      Beautiful vases, and excellent work tracking down the frogs!
    6. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Thanks also, Faith.k! Yes, I was thrilled to find these, been searching for years...

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