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A interesting Rindskopf Vase with extruded Handles

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (87 items)

    All the time since I collect glass, I was convinced, that only Loetz produced vases with extruded handles. Loetz designed a series of vases with pulled out handles in 1902 and Powolny designed some exquisite examples in 1918/19 and some late members were produced in 1929. I'm quite fond of this technically demanding production method and I did already post seven Loetz examples on CW and now I'm glad to show you this possibly unique Rindskopf vase, too. To my opinion the 1902 Loetz series influenced Rindskopf, to copy this design. This vase, possibly just an experimental example, shows, that the Rindskopf glassblowing masters did understand their handycraft as well as those at Loetz. Rindskopf was repeatedly accused by Loetz to violate some of their patented methods. Possibly the effort on making these vases with extruded handles was much too large, as to gain some benefit from them on the market. This might be the reason, this vase is a rare surving example. The vase stands 15.5 cm high and has a maximum diameter of 9.5 cm. It was blown from the top and the well known décor of green glass with white and red stripes is applied inside of the clear iridized outer glass, as you may observe from the transparent handles shown in the fotos. I would be very interested to see more vases with extruded handles of other companies from this period.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 1 year ago
      Fabulous !!!!
    2. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 1 year ago
      what a great way of ending this terrible year. Great 2024

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