Posted 1 year ago
(3483 items)
Other tanker for for my armored vehicles. This one will be the commander of my M5 Stuart I am thinking. See the last photo. The figure is a tank commander but the uniform is the same for all armored crewmen. Although they should have shoulder holsters instead of belt holsters. Although I am sure many of the crewmen wore belt holsters. The other weapon is the M3 Grease Gun, I know they were still using these in the 80s and maybe later. They are quicker to use than the guns mounted on the tank for close defense. The one accessory that I did not include was the canteen. Anyone is a vehicle will keep items like that in the vehicle. The jerry can can carry water or fuel and these would be carried on the outside of the tank.
A;so note he is smoking a cigar as he has the best job ever.
He’s pretty amazing. I always loved GI Joe’s, but the Ultimate Soldier was always great as well. This one is nicely detailed.
I dug a Land Adventurer Joe from the early 1970s. Hasbro called it Life Like Hair and Beard, out of a goodwill bin several months back. I knew what i was looking at was an original Joe, When I grabbed it only to realize somebody blew his hands off. I thought about having him repaired but, he has a lot of class as a survivor:)
Thank you very much Scott. They are more detailed and come with more stuff.
Thank you very much Malatero2. You can still get the hands.